Inductor of the mental KI

For the AURA, the SOMA and for the MIND

Soft breeze that calms and conforts.

The Aroma that raises

Combinated Aromas - Combinated Waters

Aromaterapia with Active Principle

Therapy for the Untouchable

Expanders of Conscience

The idea of creating the line of Expanders of Conscience "with Command" Flower of the Soul; starting from the essential oil fusing for chakras, agglutinated to the Composition Fitotherapic of healing herbs from the Amazon Forest (expanders of Conscience), water silver colloidal-mother (purificator), breath (vital force) and colors - it was created because we had the necessity to use a product for the Aura (energy body) and Soma (physical Body), with easy access, with Active Principle - basic tool for therapeutical work. We know that the breath is the great power that produces life; and on a nervous person, out from a healthy state of conscience, does not breathe in a healthful rhythm.

Flower of the Soul activates the energy of the people due the union of the plants and oils that compose the basic formula of the expanders, beyond the perfect structure of command and conduction of the energy during the use ritual. The use of the expanders propitiates a state of tranquility, calm and the slightness: acting in the limbic system (Energy Command of the Body-SNC) which had the oxygenation of the brain, releiving of congestionn it, providing the activation of the system of chakras, at the same time where mantra "is emitted", when dying, already with the conscience-programmed one of the objective of the expander.

Flower of the Soul is a junction of Aromaterapia (I smell), Cromoterapia (color), Pranayama (breath), visualization (message of each label), mantra (sound of energy activation) and harmonization of the Chakras (Rodas-Baterias of the energy system), raising sêr to the Expansion of Conscience (Meditation) and state of Deep Peace, being able to stimulate the physical body to increase the levels of Serotonina in the Central Nervous System. After sensitive and therapeutic years of studies, research, trips to the Amazonian Forest and Peru, tests with, it was arrived the conclusion that the product is good, functions and takes care of to the objectives. The aroma ally to the force of the grass, of oils, and the identification with its I smell characteristic, they provide well-being and they generate "insight" necessary as reply to the objectified use of the expander. The first step then is the identification through the directions that will take it to the use of the certain expander (auto-choice). A process of sinergia between the expanders exists; therefore it can be used more than one in sequência. It can uses them normally as perfume. It perfumes and it energizes. The objective is the activation of the energy. Had its action in the sutís bodies and for being about an artisan product - all the oils and pigments, are absorbed by the hand, before the entrance in the physical body, during its use. What it enters is the Prana-force (energized Air). The expanders are strong and concentrates, necessary, so that they bring its attention for what he is making (here now) and for the purificação of dense layers (cascões) of the sutís bodies, causing to cleanness and fortalecimento of the vehicle. Flower of the Soul, makes to unclasp, brings in return. Beyond the deep study on the energy systems, with certainty it can be affirmed that "Flower of the Soul" is a product "canalized" under influences spirituals and knowledge. "To use an aroma with conscience and knowing as it goes to act in its system of energy, is something" intelligent and efficient ", from there Flower of the Soul can be said that cure and is a remedy for the Spirit. Flower of the Soul is only. Flower of the Soul is Intelligent. Cosmetic or industrialized medicine is not about. Flower of the Soul is artisan. Curing the Spirit, cure the physicist, therefore we know that the Spirit precedes the Substance and that "what is in top is as what it is under" and that "what it is inside is as what it is it are" and that the "Macro is as the Micron". They are Catalyst-transforming of the "local energy". Its alchemy and conduction of the Vital force are perfect and intelligent; raising the Being to the auto-comment, command and conduction, thus bringing only "benefícios"à "construction".

Flower of the Soul is "a Consecrated" object, using well, as it is asked for, the "Door opens".

Flower of the Soul, "makes the good and well only is made". General instructions: Through the auto-selective process, to choose the Expander, to observe and to feel the label, to read so that it serves, to identify themselves with the aroma and to prepare themselves for what we call: "Effect harmonizador dressing/". General Energização: Borrifar spray in the hands, form of shell, to activate rubbing them until esquentar (polarities - calor/aromatizado), initiating the process of deep breath: To inspire to the expander, sliding the hands until the nape of the neck - in one alone ascending movement, penetrating in the aroma, feeling. After the arrival to the nape of the neck, to die emitting in high voice mantra (indicated in the label). Local Energização (Aura): Borrifar spray the 30 cm of the physical body in the indicated place. Energização of the Environment: To create in the environment a star of six tips, being formed, the one of front for and two triangles door entrance another one of coasts for the entrance door, thus: It is located in the center of the environment of front for the wall of the entrance door, in the way of the wall, to borrifar-assoprar a time. Capsizing coasts for the wall of the door, borrifar-assoprar a time, in each I sing of the wall of brings, thus forming the first triangle. Still in the center of the environment, of coasts for entrance door, to borrifar-assoprar a time in the way of the wall of brings. It capsizes front for the entrance door, to borrifar one alone time in each I sing of the wall of front, thus closing as the triangle; forming then the star of six tips, the star of the balance of forces, generating in the environment, an energy vertebral column of transforming and harmonizadora energy. After concluida the star, to close the work, locating itself of front for the entrance door; to borrifar-assoprar a time, "to recite" mantra after indicated and, to leave the environment without turning over coasts for the entrance of exactly. The validity stated period is indeterminate, being able in accordance with to have transformation to long of the time the sincronicidade with the energy of the user. Immediate effect - Pranificação, Oxygenation of the Brain, Cleanness of the Respiratory System, causing a Soft different sensation, which had its action in Sistema Límbico (SNC) in connection with the Kundalini Energy, equilibradamente. Alchemy: Manufactured Artisan of the following form: Composition Fitoterápico de Ervas Curativas of the Amazônia Harvested, ritualizadas, processed (decoction). Composition Fitoterápico de Harvested Corresponding Ervas to the Chakras, ritualizadas, processed (maceration). Essential oils: Potencializados with Vital Extracts of the Corresponding Plants. Vehicle: Mineral alcohol of Cereals, Oils, Corante (to the times) and Water Colloidal Silver. Sistêmica of the Chakras: Traditional system that if bases on the colors of the Rainbow, following the on millenarian method to the ancestral knowledge. Shape: The process occurs in the periods of beginning of the New Moon until the Full Moon. Dinamização of the Composites Fitoterápicos and aglutinação to Essential Oils of the Chakras and Veículo. Guarantee: The Energy Sustentation of this System of Alchemy is conducted by Ordem-Egrégora "Flower of the Soul" and its respective guard is assured under our Zeladoria. Effectiveness: Conferred after 7 years of studies and use for terapêutas and sympathetical in some countries. Validity: indetermined, being able in accordance with to have transformation to long of the time the sincronicidade with the energy of the user. Immediate effect: Pranificação, Oxygenation of the Brain, Cleanness of the Respiratory System, causing a Soft different sensation, which had its action in Sistema Límbico (SNC) in connection with the Kundalini Energy, equilibradamente. "Therefore the secret of the alchemy is this: a possibility exists to handle the substance and the energy in order to form what the current scientists would call "Field of Force". This field of force acts on the observer, placing it in privileged position in relation to the Universe. Of this position of prominence, it it has access to the reality that normally in them is occult for time, space, substance and energy. To reach this position is what we call the Great Workmanship ". Science with Conscience. Transformation of the chords of vibracional frequency of the Being through the use of the Aromaterapia "Certain time, somebody that lived in search of the truth, was to have with the Master in order to be led to the experience of the superior states of conscience. Seeing that it more was interested in getting to be able on the others of that in the perfectioning spiritual, the Master took it it a river and making to submerge it, head under the water held it to it until it almost to drown itself. Then it only left it exempts asking to it: -"Qual it was its bigger desire when he was underneath dágua". Depleted and breathing deeply, it answered: "I wanted air" "- Then he comes back", the Master said. "- When its desire for the proper perfectioning will be so great how much its yearning for air" Without alento it does not have life. We can only live good time without food but some minutes without air. The correct use of the Aromaterapia provides an energy addition to our subtle body, also called sinestésico, etérico body or prana, because for the breath we inhale oxygen not only, but also "elixir creative of the life" that keeps our psychic body, fortifies the cellular membrane and strengthens the imunológico system. "In the passage of the trip Everything that we go passing It strengthens plus my certainty That It is in cleaning." "When a creature awaken human being for a great dream and on it she launches all the force of its soul, all universe conspires its favor ". ...For a better world, the knowledge must be passed and accessible to all the living beings. Information: It is not divulged, if it discovers. It is not for selling, we delivery, pass. Its arrival is for sincronicity. We facilitate so that you can get it easily.

(55 31) 9974 6270 / (55 31) 3412 5568

We are rescuing a history, with certainty. Coincidences (not really), has confirmed that process is certain, and in the correct way; history is beautiful and perfect and we are taking the world (re)know. We only have to thank the King of the World. Yes!
I come of the forest.

