Photos - Materialized Sacred Fire

First official photo of the Sacred Fire, whose "elemental" captured by our friend Peter Hauptseitem that was communicated of the manifestation of the fire, previously.

"Agni" Photo: "Eddie Van Feu - Guard of the flame "

Photo: "Pedro - Guard of the flame"

Photo: "Lisiane - Guard of the flame"

Photos: Pedro Homem-BH - (31) 9952 8367
Fire of St Antony, St John and St Peter

Photos: Festival of Wezak - Park of the Mangabeiras - BH
Group Flame Violet - Oficiante: Norma Guimarães

Sacred fire in the fogueira during the festival, in the night of St João -
Community Flower of the Sky - Saint Luzia MG. Photographed by Débora Carvalho.

Sacred fire in the fogueira during the festival, in the night of St João -
Community Flower of the Sky - Saint Luzia MG. Photographed by Débora Carvalho.